How it Works

BambooHR and Aboard sync with each other every 1 hour, and can be synced manually every 30 mins after the last sync. As soon as a new user is added to BambooHR, that user is auto-added to Aboard (as a Member) along with the following information:

Aboard then creates a Draft Journey and includes any Default Programs and then notifies all Super Admin via email and/or Slack.


  1. Go to Settings, then Integrations:

    Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 11.08.12 AM.png

  2. Click Connect and type in your organization's unique BambooHR URL:

    Screen Shot 2022-01-25 at 11.08.45 AM.png

  3. Follow on screen prompts from BambooHR and the connection will be established

Auto Drafting Journey


  1. What data gets sync’d to Aboard?

    First Name, Last Name, Preferred Name, Personal Email, Work Email, Title, Manager, Department, Start Date, Location, Birth Date

  2. What happens when I sync employee data from BambooHR? All employees with an Active status in BambooHR are added to Aboard as Members.

  3. Once I've integrated BambooHR, will the users get any notification?

    They will not.